Hundreds, if not thousands of stones have been extracted in recent years, of all colours and varieties, all over the world. But how many stones can boast of an impeccable pedigree with a history going back to the time centuries ago when the Romans were the predominant civilization? Or of its use in the world famous Alhambra in Granada? This material is SIERRA ELVIRA, also known in some international markets by the name of VENICE GREY.
The quarry of this very versatile, unique material is located in the province of Granada, in Spain and the company LUIS SÁNCHEZ DÍEZ is its biggest producer. Many major projects have been done with this material in recent years. The terminal T4 of Madrid airport, the Convention Centre in Oran, Algeria, the remodelling of the centre of Malaga, and the public square in the city of Santa Isabel in Puerto Rico, are only some examples of major projects.
The material is also used in decoration in luxury mansions. The possibility of a wide range of sizes, as well as many types of finishes like polished, honed, aged, brushed, flamed, sanded, bush hammered, etc. means it is an extremely attractive material for designers and architects.
Luis Sánchez Díez is a company founded in 1947, and is located in Novelda, Alicante. The company operates a wide range of quarries and has a modern processing plant in Novelda. More details can be found at
For any enquiries contact: Telephone-+34 96 560 17 90.
Factory and offices: Luis Sánchez Díez, Campet,10, P.O. Box 57, 03660 - Novelda (Alicante) Spain.
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