The fair Rocalia, held last December, 2017 in Lyon (France), served as a window to creativity and new applications in natural stone. One of these applications is furniture in homes. Both the exhibitions organised by the fair and some stands in the fair showed interesting creations that we highlight here.
It is both a sculpture and a console, a piece that can be visible from any angle. The contrast is between the high density of the material balanced with a form that suggests lightness.
Design: Christophe Delcourt
Processing company: Brocatelle´s Marble
Material: Marble Grand Antique d´Aubert, used in Westminster Abbey, the cathedral of San Marco in Venice and the Invalides in Paris.
Exhibited in Rocalia Design Expo 2017 (Lyon)
The objective was to make it as light as possible. The table weighs only 24 kg. The light table with a countertop of only 5 mm thickness, strengthened below with aluminium laminate. A harmonious fusion of nature, technology, craftsmanship and creation.
Design: Adrien De Melo.
Processing Company:Brocatelle´s Marble
Exhibited in Rocalia Design Expo 2017 (Lyon)
Massive seats in stone are movable to be oriented by users according to the context, inside and outside. The large back of this furniture can be oriented during the day to follow the journey of the sun. The smooth shape of the back evokes stones you can find in a river´s bed. Material: Pierre Bleue du Hainaut supplied by Carrières du Hainaut.
Design: Gaetan Didier
Processing Company: Marbrerie Provençale
Exhibited in Rocalia Design Expo 2017 (Lyon)
The different polishes suggest the action of the wind and water on these monoliths. The fire of the candles highlights the presence of marine and earth fossils in stone.
Diesign: Mireille Arnaud
Processing Company: Marbrerie Provençale
Material: Pierre Bleue du Hainaut.
Exhibited in Rocalia Design Expo 2017 (Lyon)
The extremely thin profile on the table, which is reversible, highlights lightness and light to the solid block of Stone, which is polished in all its surfaces to bring out its veins.
Design: Aude Briet
Processing company: Gomet Granit
Exhibited in Rocalia Design Expo 2017 (Lyon)
Other exhibits of design in Stone were organised by Club Rocalia, proposed and impulsed by the architect Elizabeth Polzella to demonstrate the synergy between architects and professionals in stone. Pieces made by companies and with local materials.
In some stands of furniture in Stone one could also see original designs.
Chair in the form of a face, by the company VALGRA.
Armchair and chair by Pierre Urbaine.