The German Award for Natural Stone, which is given every two years by the German Natural Stone Association (DNV) in collaboration with the Association of German Architects (BDA) aims to highlight natural Stone as an ideal building material with respect to environment, sustainability and energy efficiency. This year, the prize was held for the first time on an European scale under the subtitle “European Architecture + Stone” and has awarded projects of high architectural quality done in Europe with European stone by specialized companies of natural stone. The ceremony for prize giving was held during the fair STONE+TEC in Nurnberg in June 2011.
1st Prize:
Jacob and Wilheim Grimm Centre at the Humbolt University of Berlin.
Architect: Max Dudler

The new Jacob and Wilheim Grimm Library in Berlin planned by Max Dudler impresses, according to the jury, “initially through its physical presence in the urban area”. The enormous cubature of the building is pleasantly structured, layered and segmented. “The massive but delicately structured building is refined not least by its differentiated facade of natural stone”, the jury continues.
The facade supports of the building are made of yellowish bands of Jura limestone, whose colour matches the buildings in the central area of Berlin. The high pressure water jet method used on the stone surfaces highlights the natural structure of the stone.
Special Merits

1.-Opera Tower, Frankfurt/Main - Christoph Mäckler Architects (Frankfurt/Main)
2.-Dominium building in Cologne - Hans Kolhoff Architects (Berlin)

3.-Law and Business Faculty building, Frankfurt/Main - Architect: Thomas Müller Ivan Reimann (Berlin)
4.-Hans-Jürg Buff block of flats, St- Moritz (Switzerland) - Architect: Pablo Horváth, Chur (Switzerland)

Architect: Beniamino Servino
Highly Commendeds

6.- Department Store, Düsseldorf - Architect: Kleiues+Kleiues (Berlin)
7.- House of Finance, Campus Westend, Frankfurt/Main - Arquitecto: Kleiues+Kleiues (Berlin)

8.-House M., Grünwald near Munich - Architect: Titus Bernhard, Augsburg

9.-BM Headquarter, Zürich - Architect: Max Dudler (Berlin)
10.-Hohe Domkirche, new access building to the south tower in Cologne - Kaspar Kraemer Architects (Cologne)
Special Award for the design of public spaces

Design of the market square in Schmalkalden
Architects: Terra.nova, Landschaftsarchitektur (Munich)