The world of natural stone is advancing at a frenetic pace, with so many improvements in technology, that we have no time to think how we have got to this point. We thought it would be interesting to remind our readers how it used to be only a few centuries ago, take a look back and do a memory of a past age not so long ago.
We have relied on the inestimable help of David Beltrá, of the Novelda based company Marmolspain, a man who loves stone and who dedicates part of his time to collect information on its origins. From his enormous archives of photographs, laminates and documentation we will start recovering the history of our sector, which begins with this photo-report dedicated to machines that were used in the XVIII and XIX century.
Leave aside for a few minutes the daily stress and sit back to an age when "time" had another meaning.
Photo-report published on LITOS Printed Edition, nº 77, March / April 2005.