
Floor & Paving Stone Geotechnics


Floors and paving are presently the major application of stone materials being marketed constituting over 35%. In the last few decades igneous rocks, like the granite varieties and quartzitic stones have been considered, for quality and cost saving, maintenance and "durability", the most expedient materials for the purpose. The extensive colour ranges monopolized by the non-igneous rocks have now been supplemented by globalization of imports from new sources.

Cartography of Industrial Qualities of Ornamental Rocks in the optimisation of granite exploitations

A. Ferrero (1,2), V. Monteserín (2), J.M. Baltuille (2), P. Gumiel (3) y F. Bellido (4)

1: Instituto Geológico y Minero de España 2.- Oficina de Proyectos de Santiago de Compostela, Área de Rocas y Minerales Industriales 3.- Área de Metalogenia y Geoquímica 4.- Área de Estudios Geológicos