Furniture in Natural Stone

Stone dining / office tables

How many middle class homes exist on the planet? Perhaps difficult to calculate, since the definition of middle class varies from person to person, country to country. An approximate number, with ' middle class' being defined in the western sense, would perhaps lead to number somewhere between 300 to 500 million. Assuming every such home has a dining table, this would also be the number of dining tables in the world.

Tables and Benches in Natural Stone

When summer arrives, it is time to enjoy the good weather in that special place which those among us who are fortunate to possess- a garden. The tables and benches made of natural stone are perfect to create a unique and original corner in our garden. They never deteroriate with the passage of time, are easy to maintain, and create a special and spectacular atmosphere. A 100% natural product in a 100% natural environment. A perfect match.