European norms for construction products in natural stone

Antonio Molina,
Technological Centre for Marble (Murcia), Spain

The US 305/2011 Regulation for building products published on 9 March, 2011 comes into effect on 1 July, 2013, substituting the current Directive 89/106/CE for Building Products. The new Regulation does not impose on the manufacturers of natural stone more conditions than those in the Directive, but obliges them to make some changes in the documentation of the products.

Rainbow – Teakwood from India

Among the thousands of stones being sold in the international markets, there is one which from the distance is mistaken for wood because of its physical appearance: the sandstone Rainbow / Teakwood This unique physical characteristic has given it a very special niche in the market, and it has become extremely popular all over the world because it is perhaps the only natural stone with an aesthetic aspect that resembles wood.


Tan Brown family of materials

One of the most well known granites from India in the world markets is TAN BROWN. It is valued for applications in decoration. This article highlights the different varieties of this material since, as is so often the case in natural stone, there is often a wide range of colours and varieties existing within any single material.

Quartzite from India


In the international stone industry trade fairs any observer would have noticed that several Indian companies (especially from the north), exhibit a wide range of stones that look like sandstone. Most of the time these stones are quartzite, though in commercial parlance, they are often sold as sandstone. This article explores the world of quartzite in India.

Brazil ornamental stone industry statistics – 2012

According to the study realized by Cid Chiodi Filho for the Brazilian association ABIROCHAS and released in the first months of 2013, the exports of the country of ornamental rocks were 1,060 million US$ in 2012, out of which 76,8% consisted of processed stone and the remaining were rough blocks. This figure was 6,08% higher in value and 2,27% higher in physical volume compared to 2011. The following tables highlight the most significant aspects of the Brazilian industry.

Stone exports and imports in Italy in 2012


In 2012, Italy exported stone for a value of 1,810,421,274 Euros for a total of 4,178,259 tons, recording an increase of +9,8% in value and +4,17% in quantity compared to 2011, returning to 2005 volumes and values.

In 2012, 1 million and 380 thousand tons of marble were exported in blocks and slabs, showing a +7,2% increase on 2011, for a value of over 305 million Euros, showing a growth trend of close to +6%. The average unit value decreased slightly though, from 224 Euros per ton to 221 Euros.