Macael Awards 2003

The Macael Businessmen Provincial Association, last 21 November, awarded the XIX edition of the annual Marmol awards. In the following pages we publish images of the winning projects in different categories.

Award to the architect

Architect: César Portela Fernández-Jardón


Award for project realised in Macael Marble in Spain

Marking EC of Natural Stone products

Antonio Molina, Centro Tecnológico del Mármol, Murcia (Spain)


Since a long time we have been hearing about the marking EC, a measure that will now soon be obligatory for some products of stone from 1 October this year. Perhaps there are some professionals who do not know what exactly it consists of and in what way it will affect them. What is the marking EC? Why is it important? These are the questions addressed in the following article.

Black granite: black is beautiful

The boss's bellowing request "get me some plain black granite" may sound reasonable on the telephone. After all, there are few plain uniformly black limestones fit for an exterior facade; uniform black slate has not the strength specified; both tend not to be colourfast and need exacting fading tests because of their essentially carbonaceous or bituminous pigmentation.

Moscow Metro’s Stone Show


Yuri Sychov


Every day around 9 million passengers on Moscow's Metro become unwitting visitors to a unique "stone show". The idea of creating a relaxing environment underground through the extensive use of decorative stone cladding and flooring was first put into practice in 1935. Today there are 162 stations and stone decor is featured at most of them. Yuri Sychov reports.

Raw Silk is in fashion!

This is not Raw Silk from China to make exquisite fabric for the fashion designers of the world. This is the fashionable granite from India that the Chinese are fond of!

Raw Silk is among the most imported granites into China from India after Black Galaxy, Ruby Red and Tan Brown.

Raw Silk Granites is basically of two types:

Raw Silk Ivory

Raw Silk Ivory quarries are located in a village by name Varchur located approximately 26 kms. from Madurai city in the Southern State of Tamilnadu, India. Madurai city can be reached by flights from Madras (Chennai).

Extracting Stone in the cold

In most parts of the world, stone extraction is usually done in countries with moderate climates, or, where the weather can become hot, extremely hot in the summer. The word “quarry”, for most in the stone industry, is thus synonymous with heat and dust and sweat, with problems of dehydration for the worker, lack of water, etc. But, on this planet earth, stone is also extracted in extreme temperatures, the word extreme signifying not very heat but very cold.