Vienna Marble Church restored

One of the most famous examples of Art Nouveau church architecture in Europe called «Am Steinhof» (literally: at the stone yard), a work of Otto Wagner (1841-1918), internationally renowned Austrian architect, is presently being restored in Vienna, the Austrian capital. Among other works, the entire facade, consisting of more than 2000 square meter of white Carrara marble slabs, had to be replaced over the last two years.

The São Tomé Quartzites, Minas Gerais State, (Brazil)

This text was elaborated by geologist Cid Chiodi Filho (, Kistemann & Chiodi Assessoria e Projetos. The primary data about exports were obtained starting from consultation to the Base ALICE of MDIC (Ministry of Development, Industry and External Trade)

Worldwide, Brazil is the 5th largest country in territorial extent and the 6th in population. Endowed with vast natural resources, Brazil is one of the ten largest mineral producers of the world.

Cartography of Industrial Qualities of Ornamental Rocks in the optimisation of granite exploitations

A. Ferrero (1,2), V. Monteserín (2), J.M. Baltuille (2), P. Gumiel (3) y F. Bellido (4)

1: Instituto Geológico y Minero de España 2.- Oficina de Proyectos de Santiago de Compostela, Área de Rocas y Minerales Industriales 3.- Área de Metalogenia y Geoquímica 4.- Área de Estudios Geológicos