The German stone industry in 2022 - An interview
Who does not know Bärbel Holländer in the German stone industry?
Who does not know Bärbel Holländer in the German stone industry?
During 2020 y 2021, the exporters and importers in the stone industry have been lógicamente focused on the ever rising shipping costs. But exchange rates movements too have taken place, and these also affect the profit margins. Below is a summary of some of the currencies movements during this period.
Esplanade Jean Valleix / Allée Jean Monnet
During the last decade if there is one country where the natural stone industry has grown in an impressive manner, that country is Brazil. And if one poses the question in the year 2021: "Which is the best selling material from Brazil?", the answer, almost unanimously, will be:"Taj Mahal".
During the celebration of the Marmomac fair in Verona, as always, one highlight is the Italian Stone Theatre, a thematic exposition that combines technology, design and stone. The theme of the 2021 edition was “Time in Stone”. Its organisation was done by Raffaello Galiotto and Vicenzo Pavan and the displays were the following:
By Claude Gargi,
Chief Editor, Pierre Actual