Recovery rate in quarries

One of the most common words used in natural stone quarries is “recovery rate”. Yet when one explores further and speaks to industry people involved in the quarrying business, one finds what they all mean is not so easy to define. When people from different countries involved in quarrying are talking about recovery rate, they may actually be talking of very different things.

The One Man Show Industry: the Glory and the Tragedy


Anil Taneja,


First published in February, 2016. Edited in June,2022.


You know that person, of course, you meet people like him everyday in your professional life! That confident walk into any room, the sense of deference from everyone else when HE walks in. The orders being barked all around, to be obeyed instantly. He is the King of all he surveys, the Master of his universe, and, of course, the centre of all attention.

The Italian Stone Theatre 2015

In the 2015 edition of the Marmomacc fair in Verona (Italy), held from 30 September to 3 October, “The Italian Stone Theatre” was presented, a project made by Raffaello Galiotto and Vincenzo Pavan to demonstrate what design and technology can achieve when united to the unique possibilities of natural stone.

Marble Rosa Portuguese

In the natural Stone industry several countries are associated in the minds of people with one specific stone even though that country may have different varieties of stones. When one talks of Portugal, a country with a large variety of granites and marbles, the first name that comes to mind is ROSA PORTUGUESE.

Negro Marquina

The marble denominated Negro Marquina is one of the Spanish ornamental rocks most known internationally along with Crema Marfil, Marron Emperador, Rojo Alicante, to name  just a few. For this very reason, there are some companies who, using the prestige of this unique material, commercialize the material of their quarries under the same name- Negro Marquina (sometimes also spelled as Negro Markina).