Tables and Benches in Natural Stone

When summer arrives, it is time to enjoy the good weather in that special place which those among us who are fortunate to possess- a garden. The tables and benches made of natural stone are perfect to create a unique and original corner in our garden. They never deteroriate with the passage of time, are easy to maintain, and create a special and spectacular atmosphere. A 100% natural product in a 100% natural environment. A perfect match.

Turkish stones for gardens

Stones add that special look to any garden in any house. That rustic, natural irregular shape of every stone helps to make every home garden unique in its own way. From Turkey comes a new variety of garden stones: a dazzling range of diverse colours and shapes. Our thanks to the Turkish company Med-Sinai for the photographs.

Bathtubs of natural stone, a true luxury

Taking a relaxing bath after a busy day of work is a pleasure that becomes a real luxury when it is taken in a bathtub made of natural stone. Because a bathtub of natural stone is unique, unrepeatable and there can never be two exactly the same. If to the uniqueness of natural stone we add design, we have infinite possibilities of a luxury experience. Just one choice to make: Oriental or Western Luxury?

Granite & Gold

The Italian Company Antolini Luigi has presented a unique and very original concept consisting of a fusion of dark polished granite and gold to create a highly luxurious ambience.