Marmomac, Verona 2017- A Report

At the end of a major international fair many people usually make a quick reflection by asking themselves (and others): How was the fair? How is the industry doing? What was new? For the exhibitor, who has usually spent a lot of money, the most important question is obviously- “How many orders did we get? How many enquiries did we get?

The Italian Stone Theatre, Marmomac: “Macchine Virtuose”

This exhibition is composed of installations developed with Italian technology around a concept defined by the designer Rafaello Galiotto. A company of the industry ties up with a design company to finalise the product. The objective, more than showing the potential of the new technologies, is to highlight the applications on a mass scale with commercial products.

The Italian Stone Theatre, Marmomac: “Territorio & Design”

The Marmomacc fair, held in Verona, organises every year under the generic name, The Italian Stone Theatre, a series of exhibitions in which designers and companies dealing with natural stone and machinery with the latest technology, all Italian, work together to demonstrate the infinite possibilities of natural stone. In the 2017 edition of the fair, in pavilion 1, three exhibitions were held- “Territory and Design", “Soul of City", and "Macchine Virtuose".

Russian stone market in 2017

1) The Russian natural stone market has become very price sensitive now, and except for the premium private homes segment of the market, buyers now looks around for the lowest price. The devaluation of the rouble has made imported stone much more expensive. Before the economic slowdown in 2014, the strong rouble and a fast growing economy meant that there was a market for natural stone in all different price segments.